Thursday, August 25, 2011

Peach Crunch Cake

Every Wednesday, the local super market has their fresh produce arrivals and my parents also restock our fridge. So, when my dad unintentionally over loaded on peaches, we thought that there had to be some way to use them in bulk before they start to go bad. Peach cobbler was the first idea that came to my sister's head but when I stumbled upon this recipe by Bakerella, I knew we had to make it.

Peach Crunch Cake
As Bakerella dubbed the recipe, it is ridiculously easy. There is no mixing or folding or any complicated step involved in making Peach Crunch Cake. All you need to do is layer the ingredients and create this "cake."

First: Fresh peaches in syrup
Second: Yellow Cake Mix
Third: Butter
Fourth: Brown Sugar
Last: Almonds (or walnuts)
Bakerella's recipe called for canned peaches but we wanted to use our fresh peaches. I knew that canned peaches were nothing like fresh peaches, so we made our own. First we cooked a syrup out of water and sugar. Then we dipped the peaches into boiling water for a couple seconds and quickly moved them into chilled water, making it easier for the skins to slide off. After peeling the peaches, we cut them into small pieces and dropped them into the syrup.

Fresh out of the oven
We had to have the peach crunch cake with vanilla ice cream so my older sister bought some for us. The finished product was delicious and none of us could resist getting seconds. Well, some of us had thirds.

Make sure you try out this recipe on your own because it is seriously easy to make - and delicious. Enjoy!


Abdullah Arif said...

this was really tasty; we even gave some to maryam baji

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